Even if it is a small Romanian City, MILISAUTI has a great economic potential in agriculture, said Mr. Mayor Vasile Carare

Even if it is a small Romanian City, MILISAUTI has a great economic potential in agriculture, said Mr. Mayor Vasile Carare

SUCEAVA County- Romania
Population 6 000

ECONOMY- Distance: 28 km to Suceava Municipality and 8 km Rădăuţi Municipality
Location—near at the Highway no 7-on the construction;
Activities: known for cabbage and cucumber crops
Vegetable farms; Milk processing plant; Animal farms—sheep –5000 and pigs—1000; International transport companies

INTEREST – City Hall offer to concession or rent the lands for investment projects; Partnerships; Twinning; Identification of investment partners for industrial park; Support for vegetable, industrial area products for export; Identification of investment partners for: silos, processing – others products from animal farms; investment for the processing of animal skins; Import interest – agricultural fertilizer raw materials; agricultural equipment and machinery
CONTACT: contact@primariamilisauti.ro; primar@primariamilisauti.ro— 0756 503 220

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