Vard Tulcea Romania-40 nautical miles from the Black Sea on the banks of the River Danube.

Vard Tulcea Romania-40 nautical miles from the Black Sea on the banks of the River Danube.

Established: 1975
Total yard area: Shipyard Operation Phase I: 756 000 m²

Now to Romania, where our Vard Tulcea yard is situated in the town of Tulcea some 40 nautical miles from the Black Sea on the banks of the Danube. We’ve been part of VARD since 2000 and specialize in hull manufacturing and early outfitting of vessels. With a rich shipbuilding history going back several decades, we also have the required expertise to deliver fully outfitted vessels.

Modern shipbuilding facilities with excellent logistics.
Large warehouse areas and automated warehouse management
Integrated Management System for Quality, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety.
Motivated personnel working to the newest and most efficient shipbuilding practices.

Floating dock

Length of ponton: 209.20 m​
Breadth of Pontoon (MLD): 61.09 m​
Breadth inside walls (MLD): 50.65 m​
Depth of Pontoon (MLD): 10.1 m​
Normal working draft: 7.0 m​
Lifting capacity for transfer: 27 000 t​
Docking capacity: 27 000 t​


500 m – Outfitting Quay no1 with 2 x 120 t gantry crane & 5 cranes of 15/50 to​
123 m – Outfitting Quay no2 with 1 x 15 t crane​
247 m – Outfitting and Commissioning Quay with 2 x 15 t crane​
870 m total length of the quay inside basin and to the river

+40 240 534 026

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