The Mayor of Baltati looking for a partner for investment project in a factory of apple, cherry juices, soap and shampoos

The Mayor of Baltati looking for a partner for investment project in a factory of apple, cherry juices, soap and shampoos

The economic development of the Bălțați community is essential and is achieved through the modernization of agriculture and economic diversification.

The Research and Development Station for Fruit Growing -subordinated to the Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences Gheorghe Ionescu Sisesti—offers support for a partnership to produce juices, soap and shampoos.

The Research and Development Station for Fruit Growing also provide for foreign markets, different  varieties of fruit trees, such as apples, cherries and nuts.

Baltati City Hall wants to develop fish tourism projects and agrotourism, with traditional rural activities, to sell or rent old houses with architecture specific to the area, which can be renovated and introduced in tourist circuits.  Also, Baltati is searching for partners interested in collecting and  processing vegetables from the area, such as: tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, onions, and garlic.

Baltati Community is proud of the Research and Development Station for Fruit Growing.    

The Iasi Fruit Research and Production Station—subordinate of the Academy of        Agricultural and Forestry Sciences Gheorghe Ionescu Sisesti—was established in 1977 following the detachment of the fruit growing laboratory that operated between 1957-1977 within the Iasi Horticultural Research Station.                                                                                                                                                 

Our research station creates varieties, multiple fruit species, phytosanitary  protection, research projects, multiple dendrological plants.

Our development department deals with the processing and production of fruit planting material, processing and production of dendrological planting material, fruit production, approval of development projects.

Economy of our Baltati

The landscape of Baltati is characterized by interfluves, valleys with gentle slopes and developed plains. From a practical point of view, these plateaus, along with terraces set up very good land for agriculture.

Fruit growing and orchards are a local tradition, being recognized for the local fruit trees. Fruit growing and the area of afferent land, is represented by the following crops: apple – 272 ha, pear-134 ha, plum – 2 ha, apricot -20 ha, cherry – 41 ha The main cereals are: corn, wheat, and barley, the average area cultivated with cereals is 1843 ha. Cultivated oil plants are sunflower and rapeseed. The surface cultivated with oil plants is 490 ha. The main vegetables grown are: tomatoes, cabbage, potatoes, peppers, cucumbers, beans, eggplant, cauliflower and onions, with a cultivated area of 290 ha. Locally, there were 940 cattle, 5,500 sheep and 850 goats.


Meat, nuts and tourism make good money.

Ecological Sheepfold from the Research-Development Station for Fruit Growing Iași, Sîrca locality. Sheep and nuts make a good home at the Iasi Fruit Resort: A project funded by budget through which a simple ecological technology for the exploitation of a walnut plantation is applied. According to the traditional  model of the Romanian sheepfolds, but also on the idea of capitalizing on the maximum pasture area of five hectares, the Research-Development Station for Pomiculture from Iaşi arranges, in its farm from Sârca locality, a farm which grows 50 sheep for meat and cares for a walnut plantation. The investment is made on the basis of a project in value of 600,000 RON.









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